See what’s possible with RealFuture

Try it for yourself

We’ve built a custom calculator to show you how RealFuture can open up a world of new possibilities. Simply enter a few variables to see what’s possible with long settlement, staged deposits and a share of any increase in value.

Try some different property values, settlement timeframes and annual property growth rates to see how RealFuture can work for you.

Current property value


Long settlement period

Estimated annual growth rate


Vendor outcome

  • Property value at exchange

  • Part deposit received at purchase

  • Part deposit received during settlement

  • Value of property at settlement

  • Share of increased value

  • Funds received at settlement


Buyer outcome

  • Property value at exchange

  • Part deposit paid at purchase

  • Part deposit paid during settlement

  • Value of property at settlement

  • Share of increased value

  • Funds paid at settlement


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. RealFuture uses real estate agents to list, show and sell properties, and all sale contracts are conducted under the relevant law in every state or territory in Australia. All contracts are legally binding and enforceable by the applicable laws in each state and territory. We encourage vendors and buyers to seek independent financial and legal advice when listing or purchasing properties.

The big difference with RealFuture, which benefits both vendors and buyers, is the long settlement period we include in sale contracts. Typically, property sales settle in somewhere between 30 and 90 days. With RealFuture, a long settlement of between one year and three years, combined with two staged deposits and shared increase in value makes us a new and different way to buy and sell property in Australia. Other than that, the process is the same including conducting inspections and sale process through licensed real estate agents.

Yes. Our contracts are based on standard property sale contracts but with the crucial differences of settlement term, deposit value and payments and shared increase in value between exchange and settlement. Contracts are valid under the laws of the states and territories in which they are signed. Vendors and buyers are legally bound to conduct themselves per the contract they have signed. All parties are encouraged to seek independent legal advice when buying and selling property on the RealFuture platform

RealFuture engages an expert panel of valuers to determine the value of the property at settlement. If the vendor is not happy with the first valuation, a second valuer is engaged to determine the value of the property at settlement. The difference between settlement value and the value of the property at exchange is then determined, and half of the value is assigned to each of the vendor and buyer to work out the distribution of funds to complete the property sale.